My philosophy is rooted in holistic health: a well rounded approach to an integrated mind, body and spirit through lifestyle and nutrition. It’s about changing our current societal norms that value fast and disconnected food and health care and instead taking proactive and curious approach to our health where we are empowered and self-aware.
My method for balance is both learning to read, interpret and listen to your body to find yourself in the world as well as finding and studying the world around to guide it back to you. I am working with the healing
mechanisms of the body- mind intuiting higher truth, deeper stories, in the service of wholeness and balance. My teachings are intuitive and raw, drawing from natures wisdom of constant change and cosmic principles of alignment and connection. So with learning and practicing my teachings evolve with me.
To ‚walk a mystical path with practical feet‚,
is the philosophy I believe in!

- 500h Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Instructor (RYS)
- Certified Yoga Health Coach (YHC)
- Professional Meditation Teacher
- Practitioner of the Yoga of Food (according to Emily Hightower)
- Dru Yoga Mudra Healing
- Ju Ko (Martial Arts)
- Concepts of Contemporary Dance
- Energy Medicine (By Donna Eden)
- Katonah Yoga
- “Original Condition” Movement by Dave Gardner 50h
- Movement Concepts by Tom Weksler
- Embodiment & Somatics by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen & Kimberly Ann Johnson
- The Deeper Body Fluidus technique by Carlos Tao
(Lymph, Fascia and Bodywork) 50h - Neuronal tongue mojo by Dr. Perry Nickelston
With a background in costume design I tried to understand, and form the outer surface of the human body – skin and clothes. Further studies in literature, arts and media as well as martial arts and dance got me deeper into the body. Always curious about what’s underneath the surface and how it’s all connected. Not the second skin but the skin and body itself become the main object and focus of both my private and working life ever since.
Always explorative and passionate for movement and (healing) arts I soon found my way into yoga, herbalism, philosophy and poetry while finishing University on the side.
Meditation was part of my life as long as I can remember. First getting introduced by my mum, it touched something delicate inside me. It connected me to something greater and became home, when there was chaos around.
Having struggled both emotionally and physically in my life, only deep work of self healing and allowance helped me find and feel the flows of life again.Through experiences and trainings, a combination of movement and stillness I am where and who I am today.
After having suffered from hormonal imbalances and their effects on all areas of my life, I am now specialising on integrative medicine that focuses not on symptoms but on the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle.